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St Wilfrid's Hospice

Age range:18+ Location:East Sussex Tel:01323 434251

About the service

Every loss is a very personal experience and no two people experience loss in the same way. Many people find that it helps to talk with someone who is not part of their family or close circle of friends.

One-to-one bereavement support is an opportunity to talk about the impact of your loss, in confidence, with someone who will be able to listen to your experience of grief. They can help you think through any changes you may need to make and find a way to a new life that includes remembering the person who has died in the way you that you want.


How to access this service

We have moved all our one to one support to telephone and on-line support. This means we can support you wherever you are, whilst observing social distancing guidance.

To request bereavement support please use the Bereavement Support Request Form. Alternatively, please contact our Bereavement Administrator on 01323 434251 to ask for a call back regarding bereavement support. Our administrator will take basic details from you and then ask someone from our support team to be in touch.

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