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Cruse Bereavement Care (East Sussex)

Age range:Any Location:East Sussex Tel:01323 642942

About the service

We provide confidential support and information to bereaved people of all ages, free of charge. 

We understand that grief is a different process for everyone and our long experience tells us that bereaved people can find great comfort and relief in being able to express their feelings and talk through their distress with those who are trained to listen. We treat each bereaved person as an individual and empathise with their needs on that basis. Understanding grief and loss is essential to healing and future wellbeing.

However recent or long ago your bereavement was, you can approach Cruse at any time for practical information or confidential support. We have a support centre located in Eastbourne and another in the city of Brighton and Hove. As well as individual one-to-one support, we facilitate Drop-in services which you can attend without appointments.

How to access this service

Go to our website, email [email protected] or call 01323 642942.

You can also attend our drop in service:

EASTBOURNE: FRIDAY MORNINGS at the William and Patricia Venton Centre, Junction Road, Eastbourne BN21 3QY
10am for new attendees to talk to a trained volunteer
11am is the Group Hour

You can attend our Drop-ins immediately; there is, however, a waiting list for one-to-one support. When you first contact us for this service, we will take your personal details over the phone and add you to our list of clients waiting. Although we do our best to give you our support as quickly as possible, there will be a wait of several weeks. Meanwhile, we can advise you on how to access more information about bereavement and the grief process.

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